Exam Application and Fee

Exam application for 2023 are available to apply online only (click)

Exam Fees

Level Theory
Western Music Theory Musicianship
1-3 500 500
4-6 700 700
7-9 900 900
10-12 1,200 1,200


Application Documents

1. Attach applicant photo in JPEG or PNG file, and a photo must taken more than 6 months.
2. Attach a copy of your government issued ID Card, or a copy of your house registration, or a copy of your passport. For previous applicants that have an applicant ID code, use a copy of your exam ID card instead.


Rules for Previous Applicants

1. Exam applicants must use the Time ID code that they received the first time they took an exam. They should use this code for future exam applications.
2. For all Time applications, applicants must purchase an application form and apply according to the published TIME schedule (the application form is 50 baht).
3. When filling in the application form, if applicants have no changes to their information, they are able to use their old information and only need to fill in the exam name and grade level for the exam they are applying for.  


The Exam Schedule and Examinee Name List

Applicants are able to check the exam name list and exam schedule from website..